
To be an active reader
Over my lifetime, I have read many books. Few of them are still in my possession. Frequent moves, including three transatlantic ones, took its toll on the personal library. When I try to recall all the...
What kind of reader are you?
Consider for a moment the volume of written material you consume on a daily basis – the emails and text messages, articles and blogs, advertisements, news reports, maybe the odd book, maybe many. You feel...
Photo by Martin Péchy
Stupid nation
Once the beacon for many in almost every sense of the term, the United States has in the span of a generation slid backward to become an international laughing stock. Once perceived as bold, clever, and...
An unexpected gift on Christmas Day
I woke this morning first to the thought that it’s Christmas Day. As most of us who honor or celebrate it probably do. My next thought was of my father, who died on Christmas Eve, 1994. He enters my mind...
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